- Login into Setup of Draft Once instance:

2. Click Add New Template:

3. Upload DOCX file: Drag or Choose file

4. After Upload: the Template Preview window will appear. All field tags found in your template will appear on the left. Click any of the fields to preview where it is located in the template.

5. Click Edit Icon:

6. In the the Update Field window, Field Type will default to Text Field. Select the dropdown to reveal the other field types that can be used. Learn about other field types click here Field Types

Make any necessary changes to the Heading, Subheading, and Help fields. Scroll down and enable the appropriate checkboxes to make the field required or an account field.
- Heading: larger text that appears above the subheading.
- Sub-heading: slightly smaller text that appears below the heading.
- Help: text that will only appear to the session-user if the question mark is clicked while completing the interview.
- Required Field: adds a red asterisk for the session-user view and will force the user to fill out that field to complete the interview.
- Account Field: when checked, users can answer the questions in their user profile. The next time that field is used in a form, DraftOnce will automatically fill in the answers. Account fields are good for information that doesn’t often change, like names and phone numbers.
7. Click Save

8. Repeat Steps 3-6 to the remaining field tags in your template. Repeat this entire process for any additional templates you would like to add to your session.